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Soul food. ..

It’s amazing how you get disconnected from life. . you drift. . follow different paths in life. Meet different souls. .  ..
Some from birth. . and others met along the way.
There are some that will always be attracted to yours. . and will always find a way back. .. no matter the time.
Maybe because we need it for a reason… a season. .. I read that quote many times. .. but ask me to remember it. .. ?? but you know what I mean. . right?

Like these 2..

We met during our younger years. Way younger. . as young as 6 years old. . and they have become to me. . my family. . my safety net..

Although life drifted us apart for a while. .. We were reunited again . (that song reunited by Peaches and Herbs playing in my head).. and I am thankful for that…. Family and friends are so important in this path that we walk. They uplift us, they nurture our needs, they support us, they Love us…
The trigger that reunited us is a story for another day. .
So today after a month or so… We had a visit ..

And it made me realise how important it is to feeding all aspects of your soul. .
Another saying popped in my head. .. The best encounters are unplanned
This encounter was a spur of the moment idea. . and I am so pleased it happened. ..

We all needed the laughs
The advice
The jokes
The dirty jokes
and the supportive ear

I am truly blessed to have amazing souls touch my life …. and encounters with each one of them bring me to completeness and fulfilment

Encounters like these are important soul food…
I hope you take the time to make the time for it…. cos it certainly feeds the soul….


A working mother who lives in Johannesburg. I thrive on coffee to keep me sane, music to soothe my soul, reading to pretend that I am clever, and most importantly my kids to know that I am loved.

2 thoughts on “Soul food. ..

  1. This is such a beautiful piece keri beri, truly truly blessed to have you and niri in my life. There no crack without Snap and Pop, heres to us growing old together living life as we roll with the punches.
    Love you muchly…xxxxx Noms


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